Everything4Blackberry recommends that the Kara DioGuardi go on a Tour

We’re in a tight spot now that Paula Abdul left (?) American Idol. Abdul was a loyal BlackBerry user which leaves us (an her) a bit confused:

Abdul loves her BBerry and we love everybody who loves his or hers BlackBerry. Now Abdul ditching the Idol leaves us with that DioGuardi character that might have this:

But that thing she's holding in her hand is not this:

And how can you not have a Blackberry? Huh? There is no evidence that Miss DioGuardi is using a BBerry so here's our recommendation - for an American Idol judge on the go we recommend the new BlackBerry Tour. With World Phone capabilities on a 3G network, a 3.2 MP camera and enhanced multimedia features, the BlackBerry is anything a judge needs while auditioning around the country.

If you had a chance to put texting hands on a BlackBerry Tour and you need BlackBerry accessories that go with it it, then take a look at www.everything4blackberry.com we're you'll find... well.... everything 4 blackberry. But seriously, there are plenty of must have headsets and chargers and whatnot's that can and will make your BlackBerry Tour experience enjoyable as a DioGuardi 2 piece bikini.

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