"Obama Nobel Peace Prize Joke!" Says iPhone

"This one is for you my friend"

There you have it folks. You use BlackBerry, you’re gonna win the Nobel Prize. Nobody really knows how and why the Prez won the Nobel Peace Prize, but we do! The Nobel committee was just bummed by the fact that there is no Nobel BlackBerry Prize and seriously, somebody had to give this guy recognition for the wonderful love he showed to the device.

So they gave him a call, yep, called his BlackBerry, no more no less, and thanked “Mr Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons” and with more BlackBerry phones.

"OMG! i totally 1 Nobel P Prize! WTF?!"

Not everybody liked to hear the news though and most of these people don’t use a BlackBerry. Hamas said this morning that - Obama Nobel Peace Prize Joke! Sure. They don’t use a BlackBerry!

What do you want? It's a Camera Phone!

On his acceptance speech Obama said that this is a “Call to action” encouraging every man and woman to go on and make a call. Better yet, make a BlackBerry call!

And where do you think Nobel Prize winners shop? That's right! Visit www.everything4blackberry.com and make this world a better place.

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